Tips for Teaching or Tutoring Your Kids At Home - theCoderSchool Blog

Tips for Teaching or Tutoring Your Kids At Home

Teaching children, although rewarding, is not an easy task. It requires patience, an eye for detail and the ability to stay calm when the learning process goes sidewise. So how does a parent who doesn’t have the formal education to instruct children take up the reigns and become a teaching superstar? We’ll go over five tips that will give you guidance in teaching your children coding or any other subject. You’ll just have to provide the patience.

Succeed by planning and scheduling

There’s a theme when it comes to doing just about any task, plan and schedule. Although you have heard it a thousand times, it’s always worth repeating. Before you teach or tutor your children, craft a lesson plan and schedule. If you are teaching your children in place of school, try to adhere to a normal school day routine. Be specific in your planning and ensure there is enough time to tackle all the subject matter you have scheduled for the day. If only one subject is on the agenda, say like coding, most of your efforts will be in the planning phase rather than scheduling. However, regardless of the number of subjects, put effort into your planning.

Meet with your children

Sometimes a meeting can’t be an email. Meet with your children and discuss the day’s lesson plan. Talk over expectations and give them a clear idea of what they will be learning. Utilizing a visual aid, like a tablet or the old-fashioned route, a whiteboard, can help your children see what the day will have in store. There is no need for surprises when it comes to learning.

Take suggestions

Education should be an interactive process. Ask your children for suggestions on everything from lesson plans to teaching techniques. Discovering how your children learn will lead to more success. Which in turn will make your job as the teacher much simpler.

Ask for help

Do you have a friend or acquaintance who is a teacher? If you do, fabulous, because you have someone who has the knowledge and experience to lend you a helping hand. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you feel stuck or confused. Advice from a professional can give you that boost of confidence to become an awesome at home teacher.

Don’t forget the breaks

You may want to power through the subject matter at breakneck speeds but remember, you are teaching children. This is especially true if you are teaching an entire course load of material. Schedule enough time for breaks and don’t forget the food and drinks. Nutrition is vital for young learners

Teaching your children may be challenging but it’s not as daunting when you are prepared. Plan, schedule and allow your children to provide input. With some effort and an investment in time, you and your children will enjoy the entire process. You may not even need as much patience as you originally thought.

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