The pressure to produce more has become commonplace in most industries. Leading to less time to complete tasks and projects and more stress on workers. And since there isn’t a way to lengthen the day, not yet anyway, the key to getting your work done on time is efficiency. So, finding new methods to increase your productivity is vital in staying ahead in our modern busy world. Well, you’re in luck because we are going to provide four tech tips to make you a more efficient, productive worker.
Improved typing/keyboard shortcuts
Improving your typing speed and accuracy can make a big difference in your productivity. You may think you are a typing virtuoso, but even the slightest improvement can impact your output. Additionally, investing time to learn keyboard shortcuts will pay big productivity dividends. You’ll spend less time clicking and more time shortcutting your way to outstanding efficiency. Imagine if you will, putting together a proposal without looking at your keyboard and barely touching your mouse. Now that’s productivity.
Leverage the power of multiple monitors
Using only one monitor is so 20th century. According to a study conducted by NEC and the University of Utah, individuals using a two-monitor setup were 44 percent more productive than those using a single display. How about more than two monitors? That depends on your own personal needs. In most cases, two displays are sufficient.
Reduce distractions
As incredible technology is at increasing our productivity, the same cutting-edge machines tend to be great time wasters as well. Whether it’s the latest mobile game, or the temptation to see what’s happening on social media, distractions are everywhere. How can you navigate through this sea of diversions? First, put your phone away. Yes, smartphones are necessary for many occupations, but setting it aside for a time won’t lead to the end of the world. Also, consider avoiding social media while working. This includes watching videos of kittens and other hijinks. You’ll get more done, and you’ll still have plenty of time to watch your favorite YouTuber later.
Productivity Apps
If you want to produce more, and have fun, gamify your tasks. Productivity apps like Do It Now and Productivity Challenge Timer help you focus on the job at hand. Additionally, they provide a game-like user interface that motivates you to complete projects and stick to your goals. Seeing your progress will help you entertainingly stay on task. Being productive has never been so much fun.
Now that you are armed with these four useful tech tips, you’ll be more productive and maybe even have more fun. The best part, you don’t even need a time machine. Although that would be awesome.