Another Reason to Learn Code even if you Don’t want to Code - theCoderSchool Blog

Another Reason to Learn Code even if you Don’t want to Code

We believe coding is about a whole lot more than text files and folders – it’s about learning how to think critically, become more efficient, organized, and change the world for the better!

A common misconception is that coding will take jobs away but that can’t be further from the truth as it will actually create more jobs.  If you’ve ever worked on a website, or looked at a github project with millions of commits, you’ll understand that there’s always something to do in the world of programming, developing, or flat out improving your skill set.

For example, Google is the result of 2 billion pieces of code over the last 20 years and it’s only growing in size! While this is an extreme case, even a small piece of software can result in thousands of pieces of code and hundreds of commits on github.

One of our favorite sayings is “ If you hangout at the barbershop long enough, you’re going to get a haircut.” If you hangout at theCoderSchool long enough, you’re going to understand technology at a much deeper level.

So, even if coding isn’t for you, we thought we’d give you a few more reasons to learn how to code even if you don’t want to code for the next 20 years.

New Language

“Learning to code and work effectively with technology is like learning a new language. If you plan to spend a lot of time working with technology, you should understand the language of your new environment.”

Web developers and programmers are literally speaking a different language. Because of that, their workflow is completely different than, lets say, than the marketing department. If you have an excellent idea or vision, then it’s in your best interest to learn this language so you can set realistic goals. You’ll also need to understand developers to manage people more effectively.

Talent Evaluation

“For any startup that leverages technology (don’t they all?), hiring the right team is mission critical.”

If people are your greatest asset, then it’s important to find the very best to help bring your vision to reality. Understanding how to code will allow you to spot the best talent out there.

Product development

“To build the next great web application, iPhone game or productivity app, you need passion, creativity, a great team and perhaps some special sauce. You also need to effectively schedule and manage projects.”

If you have a product, it may take quite a few iterations before it becomes exactly what you want it to be. It may take months, or even years, for it to even become usable. Even then, there will be a few unexpected surprises that pop up along the way.  Learning how to code will help you map out the development of the project from start to finish setting realistic goals along the way.

Getting your hands dirty

“Rather than having to interrupt your tech team to make a small change to your website or update content in your app, you’ll have the ability and confidence to make a change without fearing a site shut down or interruption of business.”

You’ll run into tight deadlines along the way and because it’s hard to find good help, you will most likely be understaffed as well. Knowing how to code will allow you to jump in and help your team complete the project. It will save you a lot more time and money if you’re able to do this and you’ll have a whole new level of respect for the people who took the time to master it.

Critical thinking

“Strong critical thinking skills facilitate good decision making, and there is no better way to learn to think critically than by learning to code.”

At theCoderSchool, we always say that learning to code is learning how to think. By learning how to code, you’re essentially developing your decision making process for the better.

Hansel is the Founder & CEO of theCoderSchool and has been at the heart of it ever since its inception in 2013.

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What is theCoderSchool? We are an after-school drop-off (and virtual) program for kids learning to code - a coding school! There's after-school kung fu. There's after-school music lessons, sports, art, tutoring, Chinese, you name it, it's out there. But coding for kids? We're among the first of many, and the largest in Silicon Valley with more locations on the way around the country. The future will be ever more dependent on technology so let's get our young generation ready. Learn to Code, Change the World®.

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