How to Start the Day Off Right

Everyone has those “days” — you know, when you wake up and everything is just instantly and horribly wrong. Could be that there’s a test you don’t feel prepared for, or a meeting you’re scared to attend, or maybe you just didn’t start your day off as healthily as you had hoped. They happen, and… Continue reading How to Start the Day Off Right

Reasons to Embrace Math

There’s a myth that’s as old as the idea of school itself that says you have to have a special gift to be good at mathematics; that your brain needs to be one-sided and that math is just plain hard. Well, that’s not entirely true. A lot of students have fears when it comes to… Continue reading Reasons to Embrace Math

Categorized as Coder Blog

When Programming Errors Lead To Video Game Glitches

Not everyone is perfect, including our friendly neighborhood video game developers, who sometimes don’t catch the programming errors in a game during test plays before it’s released to the public. Programming is hard, and these glitches can result in some seriously funny and downright inexplicable occurrences. Here are our favorite glitches from video games that… Continue reading When Programming Errors Lead To Video Game Glitches

4 Fun Ways to Study

Studying can be hard. No, scratch that; studying can be downright impossible, especially if you’re trying to balance your life with other essential things like work, social gatherings, sleeping, eating, breathing — just to name a few. School gets in the way of a lot of things, but that doesn’t make it a bad time.… Continue reading 4 Fun Ways to Study

6 Computer Shortcuts

Computers are a big part of everyday life, and they can’t really be avoided — especially in school or the workplace. This post is being written on a computer, and you might be reading it on a monitor or laptop as well. With these machines being so impactful in our day to day functions, we… Continue reading 6 Computer Shortcuts